Training Videos
We all know the importance of training staff, so what better way to train them than with a bespoke video.
Effective Education
The human brain processes visuals 60,000 times faster than text alone and as 90% of information received by your brain is visual, this makes training videos a highly effective way to educate staff or give detailed information to visitors.
Reduce Costs
Training videos keep staff training and development consistent and improvements in this area helps boost employee loyalty. They can be delivered as either DVDs or as online training both of which can help to reduce extensive training costs.
Improve Productivity
Regular training of staff is proven to increase both loyalty and productivity and the production of a bespoke training video for your staff will show that your business is committed to continued staff development.
How Can A Training Video Help Your Business?
Whether it is an induction for new starters, general health & safety on your premises or a process specific to your business, your staff will benefit from a video that is made for them.
Nobody knows your business quite like you do
At Zippyangels we work closely with you to develop your film. At every stage of the process from concept development through scripting, filming, editing and graphics we work with you to ensure the finished film does exactly what you need it to do.
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